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TypeScript – Wikipedia

Đăng ngày 05 October, 2022 bởi admin
Version number Release date Significant changes 0.8 1 October 2012( ) 0.9 18 June 2013( ) 1.0 12 April 2014( ) 1.1 6 October 2014

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performance improvements 1.3 12 November 2014( ) protected modifier, tuple types 1.4 20 January 2015( ) union types, let and const declarations, template strings, type guards, type aliases 1.5 20 July 2015( ) ES6 modules, namespace keyword, for..of support, decorators 1.6 16 September 2015( ) JSX support, intersection types, local type declarations, abstract classes and methods, user-defined type guard functions 1.7 30 November 2015( ) async and await support, 1.8 22 February 2016( ) constraints generics, control flow analysis errors, string literal types, allowJs 2.0 22 September 2016( ) null- and undefined-aware types, control flow based type analysis, discriminated union types, never type, readonly keyword, type of this for functions 2.1 8 November 2016( ) keyof and lookup types, mapped types, object spread and rest, 2.2 22 February 2017( ) mix-in classes, object type, 2.3 27 April 2017( ) async iteration, generic parameter defaults, strict option 2.4 27 June 2017( ) dynamic import expressions, string enums, improved inference for generics, strict contravariance for callback parameters 2.5 31 August 2017( ) optional catch clause variables 2.6 31 October 2017( ) strict function types 2.7 31 January 2018( ) constant-named properties, fixed length tuples 2.8 27 March 2018( ) conditional types, improved keyof with intersection types 2.9 14 May 2018

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support for symbols and numeric literals in keyof and mapped object types 3.0 30 July 2018( ) project references, extracting and spreading parameter lists with tuples 3.1 27 September 2018( ) mappable tuple and array types 3.2 30 November 2018( ) stricter checking for bind, call, and apply 3.3 31 January 2019( ) relaxed rules on methods of union types, incremental builds for composite projects 3.4 29 March 2019( ) faster incremental builds, type inference from generic functions, readonly modifier for arrays, const assertions, type-checking global this 3.5 29 May 2019( ) faster incremental builds, omit helper type, improved excess property checks in union types, smarter union type checking 3.6 28 August 2019( ) Stricter generators, more accurate array spread, better unicode support for identifiers 3.7 5 November 2019( ) Optional Chaining, Nullish Coalescing 3.8 20 February 2020( ) Type-only imports and exports, ECMAScript private fields, top-level await 3.9 12 May 2020( ) Improvements in Inference, Speed Improvements 4.0 20 August 2020( ) Variadic Tuple Types, Labeled Tuple Elements 4.1 19 November 2020( ) Template Literal Types, Key Remapping in Mapped Types, Recursive Conditional Types 4.2 25 February 2021( ) Smarter Type Alias Preservation, Leading/Middle Rest Elements in Tuple Types, Stricter Checks For The in Operator, abstract Construct Signatures 4.3 26 May 2021( ) Separate Write Types on Properties, override and the --noImplicitOverride Flag, Template String Type Improvements 4.4 26 August 2021( ) Control Flow Analysis of Aliased Conditions and Discriminants, Symbol and Template String Pattern Index Signatures 4.5 17 November 2021

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Type and Promise Improvements, Supporting lib from node_modules, Template String Types as Discriminants, and es2022 module 4.6 28 February 2022( ) See TypeScript 4.6 Microsoft release announcement [1] 4.7 24 May 2022( ) See TypeScript 4.7 Microsoft release announcement [2] 4.8 25 August 2022( ) See TypeScript 4.8 Microsoft release announcement [3]

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